Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Working together to create solutions? We hope so!

Cypress Health Region
SEIU-West and the Cypress Health Region have come to an agreement on a pilot project to increase the number of Special Care Aides (SCAs) in long term care facilities as a result of growing critical staff shortages.

As reported by the Southwest Booster on April 14, 2011, this is an innovative program that will give people an opportunity to get a good understanding of the position with on-the-job training while earning their certification as an SCA.

We can only hope that they will be willing to work with us on future creative strategies that will lend to fewer SCAs quitting the sector or work with this Health Region due to workplace concerns.

This dog will be watching to see how this potential solution plays out and will keep on the trail of innovative health delivery solutions.

1 comment:

  1. I hope this initiutive works however this is not some great new idea as many of the SCA,s I work with were hired the exact same way a few years ago! I am getting a little tired of the health district using the media to make it look like they are coming up with new and innovative ideas! They say the chess program is working to cut down on sick time but omit that they hide the sick time now by putting sick or injured workers back to work sitting at a desk or wheeling around in wheelchairs and calling it a back to work program! A recent notice informed staff that in the event of an outbreak any staff who became sick would be contacted by public health and as soon as they were symptom free they would be put back to work during the 72 hour period they previously were expected to stay away from work for infection control! What I want to know is what part of our job do they expect us to do in which we don,t come in contact with coworkers or clients and possibly make them sick. I would also like to state that I feel Cypress Health would have been better of if they would have gone after the workers who do take unwarranted time off instead of punishing all of us with chess and putting us back to 8hour shifts .Is this not why they spent so much money hiring an attendance person to track sick time did he not do his job and keep track of sick time and who was taking it and why! If he had I,m sure these workers would have been held accountable and the rest of us would have been spared the grieve we have endured this past year! In closing I would like to state I still love my job, my clients and my coworkers and am hoping the next year will bring some positive changes to this health district. We all want the same thing a health system that focuses on the client and not on the almighty dollar!


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