Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh where oh where has my Health Region gone?

Cypress Health Region - Shaunavon Hospital and Care Centre

Did you find anything out about the big bonuses?  And also the nice relaxing weekend they got to spend in Cypress Hills provincial park?  Who paid for that?  Was it out of the big 1.2 million surplus they got off the backs of the employees? This comes down to wasting tax-payers’ money again. Management makes it sound like it is our greed for higher wages that is breaking the bank – how about ensuring safe staffing levels so that our residents receive proper care…let’s try that for a while!

Have these people no shame!

1 comment:

  1. Big surprise...during outbreak status, with many departments working short staffed, the out of scope folks were getting together at Cypress Resort. No doubt they were going over their budgets, or strategic planning how else to harass and bully employees via their CHESS program.
    Obviously there were more important issues for them to discuss, rather than patient care. The only management response I heard of was to send a norovirus infected employee back to the workplace after 24 hours...only to have the sick employee relapse. Sure, they were not to have direct contact with the residents, but who cares if they were still sick, and infect the rest of the staff??? Cypress Region management sure didn't. After all, it was much more important to have the sick employee back in the work place ASAP, doing "meaningful work" filing documents.


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