Monday, February 7, 2011

Working sick during the Norovirus Outbreak

Cypress Health Region - Shaunavon Hospital and Care Centre

The rules were changed by the Region and now workers are being compelled to come in after being “symptom free” for 24 hours. But residents are kept in their rooms until they are 72 hours “symptom free”.  Two sets of rules for one single outbreak: how can this be an effective infection control practice?


  1. This is an example of the Region's CHESS program. They believe their policies give them sweeping powers. They feel it is within their scope of practice to ignore and countermand physicians and surgeons directions to their patient's recovery. The patient here being sick and injured workers. Ditto to any other authority which contradicts their mandate. Their mandate is simple: cut sick time, WCB claims, and overtime. The implied withholding of sick pay is not only ILLEGAL, it is abuse of power. I don't know which feeling is stronger... anger or wanting to throw up, watching them treat co-workers in this fashion.
    P.S. If they reach their "risk of pay" objectives of lowering the above mentioned, the out of scope folks receive up to 10% of their wages. How ethical and moral is that?

  2. I was talking to a employee who is injured,(on the job) and is so stressed about the way she is being treated, was almost in tears. I'm sure that the CHR won't be winning any employer of the year awards when it comes to caring about its employees. Wouldn't it be interesting enough to know who calls them when they are sick?

  3. It feels like we have just become a number, and I bet if there was a way for robots to have human feelings we would be out of a job! I do believe that the employer has forgotten that it is people using healthcare and people providing care.


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