Thursday, February 10, 2011

Service changes that loved ones aren’t aware of

Cypress Health Region - Shaunavon Hospital and Care Centre:

A brochure for “Cook and Chill” type kitchen services was found lying on the table in the staff room. When confronted, management claimed they knew nothing about it. As they explore this option, they cut their cooking staff.  Now management is in the process of trying to re-hire but they are saying no one with the qualifications is applying, even though there are workers who have done the job before and could do the work.  Does it sound like management know nothing about “Cook and Chill” or does it sound like they are actively contemplating a move to it?

What the heck is “Cook and Chill” service?

Its all pre-cooked food and warmed up days later!! YUK!   They want us to treat these seniors like they were in there own homes, yet this is NOT what they would eat if they were in there own homes!!   


  1. I work in a seniors home and I totally agree it's disgusting to serve that crap. Where I work the aroma of the meal being cooked fills the facility and makes mouths water. That food is being prepared for our more cognitive residents. When the trays come out for those we have to feed it is in paper trays. Made in some factory. As for selection? It seems like they get the same 3 or 4 choices over and over. I think it's awful! How hard would it be to blend fresh cooked food for them so they can eat what they smelled all morning!

  2. The families I have talked to are not a bit interested in having this kind of food prepared for their loved ones. Families have told the employer how they feel about this.

  3. A suggestion to management. Before they implement a cook and chill kitchen in any facility, they eat nothing but cook and chill products for 3 meals a day for 365 days. Only after they do, can they expect our residents to do likewise.

  4. the residents of our facility are the priority, they deserve delicious and nutritious meals not cost cutting and preprepared meals---I know when I am in their place meals and caring happy employees in my environment will make the difference between a fulfilling existence and a I'd rather be dead existence--think about it, this is their home 24 hours a day every day.


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